Abstract and registration form should be submitted by November 1, 2025. There is no need to send registration form and/or abstract to the Conference Manager if you have already submitted them on-line.

Participants are invited to submit an abstract, with title, names of authors and affiliation included, of no more than one page. Authors should use the following file types: MS WORD 365 and older (*.doc(x)), or Rich Text Format (*.rtf). The paper size of the abstract should be 16.2 x 22.7 cm (B5) with a margin of 1.5 cm on the left and 1.5 cm at the right and 2.5 cm on the top and 2.0 cm at the bottom. The abstract should be formatted using Times New Roman throughout and single-spaced lines.

File name: Last name of the first author-two first words of the title (for example: Smit-Fast_transfer.doc)

Title: 11 pts, bold, cantered not all caps (for example, Mechanism of stereoselective...)
Empty space: 10 pts.
Author names: 10 pts, centered, not all caps; use first names, initials (optional) and last name;
one author must be underlined as the author who will present the paper
(for example: John Smith, Petar Petrović*, ...)
Affiliation: 10 pts, italic, centered; put all authors' addresses delineated by asterisk (*) against each name
for example: CNR, Roma, Italy, *ITN-SANU, Belgrade, Serbia
Empty space: 10 pts.
Abstract text: 10 pts, justified (maximum one page including Title, Authors names and Affiliation)

Please use TEMPLATE to write an abstract

On-line submission

Registration form is filled in for a contact author. Fill out one registration form per abstract. Only on-line submissions will be acknowledged.

Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 1, 2025.