1. Ariando Ariando
      Department of Physics, National University of Singapore
      Nickel age of high-temperature superconductivity
      Ariando 1 e1612626173331

    2. Đorđe Janaćković,  ,
      Department of Inorganic Chemical Technology TMF, Belgrade, Serbia
      250256 djordjejanackovictmf iff

    3. Gertjan Koster 
      University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
      pkxwrgbxvvnac4 yzzashw


    4. Ewa Mijowska,
      West Pomeranian University of Technology, Department of Physicochemistry Nanomaterials, Szczecin, Poland
      2D/2D heterostructure based on borophene/ MoS2 for photo-, electro- and photoelectro-catalytic hydrogen evolution – mechanistic insight

    5.  Nini Pryds ,
      Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, The Technical University of Denmark,  Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
      Advancements in Thin Film Oxides: Exploring Interface Functionalities
      Nini Pryds DTU foto Astrid Degerboel

    6. Ute Resch-Genger,
      Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, BAM · Department of Analytical Chemistry, Berlin, Germany
      Quantifying the Total and Accessible Amount of Surface Functionalities and Ligands on Nanomaterials
      kontaktbild resch genger

    7. Fu-Ming Wang 
      National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
      Carbonate deprotonation on Ni-rich layered cathode: Development of a new cis isomerism oligomer as an organic coverage
      prof fu ming wang min 1 66b8ac6e179e9