Prof. Dr. Dragan Uskoković
President of the Materials Research Society of Serbia; Professor in Material Science
Knez Mihailova 35/IV

+381 11 2636 994
Miscellaneous Information:


Prof. Uskoković born on April 3, 1944, in Cetinje, Montenegro, where he finished primary school in 1958 and grammar school in 1962. He finished his studies at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in 1967 in Belgrade, his master's thesis in 1971 and in 1974 his doctoral dissertation named Study of Basic Processes Occurring During Sintering of Crystalline Materials. He started his research work at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences Vinca in 1968. In July of 1974, just before finishing his doctoral dissertation, he transferred to the Institute of Technical Sciences of the SASA, where he was the Director of the Institute between 2001 and 2011. He was elected in all scientific and university titles.

He is a long-term Member of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering, where he is a General Secretary. He was a Secretary, then Regional Editor and now he is a co-editor of the International Journal of Science of Sintering. In 1975 he was elected Corresponding Member and in 1983 Full Member of this Institute. He was a Coordinator of our programmes with European Union, as well as a Programme Committee Member of many international conferences and journals (Materials Science Forum, Key Engineering Materials, Advances in Applied Ceramics - Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, Journal Bionanoscience, The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal and Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya). He was a referee for several international journals. He is the President of the Yugoslav Materials Research Society (since 2007, Materials Research Society of Serbia), which has been organizing YUCOMAT conferences held in Herceg Novi. The selected papers presented at those conference were published in English by Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Zurich, in Materials Science Forum Edition, and the journals Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Surface Engineering and Acta Physica Polonica.

He has published one monograph of international reputation, co-edited two books published by Plenum Press – Sintering '85 and Science of Sintering: New Directions for Materials Processing and Microstructural Control , and eight books published by Trans Tech Publications. He published more than 220 articles in international periodicals, many of which in high-ranking journals, held more than 100 lectures worldwide, out of which 70 Plenary Lectures at different international conferences or world-leading research centers. Article The Kinetics of Contact Formation During Sintering by Diffussion Mechanisms with H. E. Exner was included in the book Sintering Key Papers (Elsevier, 1990) which comprises 50 papers that have especially influenced the development of this discipline. He also authored numerous articles published locally. He managed more than 20 scientific-research projects in basic and technological research and also several international projects with leading scientific-research organizations in the world (Max-Planck Institut, Stuttgart, Germany, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg , USA , and many Academy Institutes of ex-Soviet Union and Russia and Ukraine). Under his guidance more than 20 Master Theses and 20 PhD dissertations were done. He is a co-author of the book Activated Sintering (G.V. Samsonov, M.M. Ristic), cited more than 100 times in other monographs and non-ISI publications. According to Scopus, his articles published in SCI publications were cited about 2600 times (h-index = 27).




Papers and Lectures on Conferences

Scientific Papers

member since 2008