Philippe Colomban is a Distinguished Research Director at CNRS and Sorbonne Universités (UPMC Paris 06, MONARIS umr8233 CNRS, formerly LADIR umr7075).
He received a MSc in Ceramic Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Céramiques Industrielles, Sèvres (1975), a MSc in Solid State Physics (1976) and Hab. Ph. D. (Docteur es-Sciences Physiques) from the UPMC (1979).
He was at the Thomson-Csf Company Central Laboratory (now Thales R&T) one of the first in the world to develop Sol-Gel routes for advanced optoelectronic ceramics. In 1976 he was appointed as CNRS Research Associate and studied superionic conductors’ structure and ion/proton mobility.
He served for many years as Consultant for the French Science and Technology Minister in charge of Passive Components and Materials for Electronics. From 1989 to 1993 he was in charge of the new projects at the Materials Department of ONERA, the French Establishment for Aerospace Research and Development (Materials for rockets and missile, aircraft engines, Sol-Gel routes, Oxide-oxide ceramic-matrix composites, nanoparticle-based microwave absorbing materials and Functionally Graded composites…) and worked as Consultant for them for 10 further years.
From 1994 to the present, his research interests include Materials Science and Raman, IR and neutron spectroscopies: stress, fatigue and phase distribution imaging in composites and fibres, in situ analysis of solid state devices, fuel cells, electrolysers, CO2 converters, piezoelectric devices…. Attention is paid to the correlation between Raman parameters and mechanical and electrical (ionic, electronic) properties…as well to the identification of the technology used in ancient ceramics and glasses.
His publications comprise more than 450 original papers and reviews or books/ chapters, 10 patents and more than 100 invited talks.
He is a member of the board of many Journals in Spectroscopy, Materials Science and Cultural Heritage as well as Associate Editor of the Journal of Raman Spectroscopy.